Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Radom Pictures

Here are a few random Pics that were taken this last year, most of which are from our Trip on our way to Tennessee this Summer -
Me and my sweet sister Kallie in front of the Nauvoo Tample
All of us kids in front of the Nauvoo Temple
My sister Jenni took a bunch of pictures of the Nauvoo Temple and this is my favorite one
Austin and I walking through downtown Nauvoo
Eating Lunch in a little Cafe in Nauvoo
Austin preaching from the pulpit that the Elders used to preach at
Giving my own discourse
Contemplating on what my favorite scripture is
My sister Julie and I eating lunch at Adam-ondi-ahman
Austin and I at Adam-ondi-ahman
My two wonderful sisters and I at winter quarters
Austin and got our Eagle (Boy Scouts) award together
Just a random Sunday morning
My cousin Gary and I building our chicken nesting boxes
(We have 18 hens, we had a rooster but he ended up next to some potatoes and gravy)

1 comment:

Kallie Rae said...

I love seeing Pictures:) and by the way that wasn't just a random Sunday, that was Easter Sunday:)!!!!