I recently redecorated my room. I painted the walls and ceiling and changed my room into a more colonial style. 

REASON FOR MY BLOG- I am a teenager and I created this blog to share my own personal thoughts and feelings relating to such matters as religion or the world in which we live. I would like to emphasize that these are my "own" thoughts and feelings and I do not represent or speak for any organization in any way. I hope you enjoy looking at what I have posted.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A big catch

These were a couple Largemouth Bass that I caught, they were about five pounds each. It was a really fun trip and I had a great time.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Principles of Real Men
I would like to discuss with you a few principles that I have learned from studying the Founding Fathers. These principles are what I would like to call the Principles of Real Men. The first, being the Principle of Learning without any Limitation. The Founding Fathers Believed in this principle quite strongly I think. I think it is common knowledge that you can’t build a house if you don’t know what tools to use and the dynamics of building one. You need to know about foundations, supports, measurements, wiring, etc…. You need the knowhow before accomplishing the thing you need done. In order to accomplish much in your life you need to learn about life and the things around you. We will benefit greatly if we seek for knowledge and expand our understanding of things.
Thomas Jefferson was one who believed in and loved to learn. He is remembered to have, at one point in his life, been spending often fifteen hours a day reading and studying trying to quench his great thirst for knowledge. He was excited to learn new things and to explore new things. He once said this, “It is impossible for a man who takes a survey of what is already known not to see what an immensity in every branch of science yet remains to be discovered…. Great fields are yet to be explored to which our faculties are equal, and that to an extant of which we cannot fix the limits.” I feel that it is important to use as much effort as we can in educating ourselves so that we can add something to this world in which we live. I have yet to know any good leader that ever lived in this world who was not well educated.
The Second principle is the Principle of Observance. This principle has the meaning of not jumping to conclusions too quickly. You need to observe all sides of the story and consider them until you decide which one is the right one. You cannot pass judgment on something until you have uncovered every nook and cranny. It is very interesting to look at some of the great Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington and how they were men who spoke little, yet their word’s were full of power. They acquired this by observing and using the first principle (which I have already talked about) hand in hand. They took something and observed and studied it out until they gave their opinion of it. When they did this it made their opinion strong and of a sound understanding. Why was it of a sound understanding? Simply because you will find that the right answers will make the most sense and will yield the right fruit when taken into effect.
The Third Principle is the Principle of Ambition. In order to accomplish something and to make it as good as you possibly can, you need to be ambitious. Once you have set your mind to doing something you need to follow through with it. I consider the Founding Fathers and most all notable leaders as being very ambitious. They set goals and strive to follow through with them. You need to tackle the hard things and embrace yourself in them. You need the mindset of thinking and knowing that you can accomplish hard and trying things. I look at the life of Thomas Jefferson and I think how could he accomplish everything that he did without being ambitious? He had a reason for doing everything he did and he plunged into his works and never stopped until it was completed. He wanted to do something with his life, and he did.
The Fourth Principle goes right along with the third. It is the Principle of Work. Work is a natural law. There needs to be work in order to do anything. However it depends on the amount of work that you are willing to do that will depict what you make of yourself. Work is what will make you who you are. Too many people are trying to get out of having to do work in these modern days and it is causing society to crumble and fall. You cannot have happiness without work, it is nigh impossible to have true happiness. We all need something in our life that we are constantly working at and striving to accomplish. The founding Fathers were great examples of this. They worked all day long exhausting themselves. People are better remembered by their works than by their words or any other thing. Does anyone really remember what Leonardo Da Vince said in his life, or do they remember what he did in his life? What about the French leader Napoleon or even our very own George Washington? True that you may remember many great sayings from various leaders, however which speaks the loudest, words or works?
The fifth Principle is the Principle of Selfless Service. When we look at the good men throughout history who benefited humanity, we look at those who gave selfless service. What do we look for in this world? Is it to gain riches? To be absolutely beautiful so everyone will dote on us? Or is it to leave behind some fantastic work that everyone will praise us for with our accomplishments? I would like to share what Thomas Jefferson wrote about service, “If in the course of my life, it has been in any degree useful to the cause of humanity, the fact itself bears its full reward….. Nothing makes me more happy than to render any service in my power, of whatever description.” The founding Fathers devoted their lives to helping others, and I do not believe that it was to get gain or to become popular. They simply wanted to make life easier and better for others. Selfless Service is what makes a man who he really is. It is what will truly make him the happiest.
We at last come to the last principle which is probably the most important, the Principle of Doing Your Duty to God and Freedom. This is the principle which hangs most dear to my heart and to the heart of the founding fathers. This is what will truly transform you into a real man. Benjamin Franklin wrote this about God, “Being mindful that before I address the Deity my soul ought to be calm and serene, free from passion and perturbation, or otherwise elevated with rational joy and pleasure, I ought to use a countenance that expresses a filial respect, with a kind of smiling, that signifies inward joy, and satisfaction, and admiration….. I love him therefore for his goodness, and I adore him for his wisdom.” We need to recognize the hand of the Supreme Being in all things and except it. We cannot do all things without him. We need his help more than we can possibly imagine.
Freedom is an essential principle to the happiness of man, and it is through freedom that we learn and grow. We need to embrace this fact with all that we hold dear. In these days the idea of freedom is diminishing and fading. If we let that principle die, we ourselves will die with it. The Real Men throughout history held freedom so highly that it was higher than their very lives. The Founding Fathers esteemed this freedom so greatly that they fought for it and developed all their efforts into constructing a government in which we could be free. People take too much of that for granted and relinquish that freedom that was fought for at so high a price to others who abuse it and destroy it.
I look at the world today and I see many people making a mockery of the government, where therein lies their freedom. They laugh and make fun of something that men and women gave up their lives to have. It is true that there may be men in political offices that abuse their power, yet who are they who let them abuse it? The very same who make degrading remarks about the Government. What is this leading society into? Children will grow up and learn to despise their government and learn to make a mockery of it. What will happen to freedom then? It is vital to uphold freedom in the highest degree and the government which was founded on that great principal. We as citizens of this free country need to stop making a mockery of it and instead place those morals and values back into it. If we do not, then we will fall as other nations have before us.
We need to become Real Men to lift back again society into its proper place. There is no other way to make life better. We need to Learn, Observe, be Ambitious, Work, give Selfless Service, and do our Duty to God and Freedom. It is through these principles that we will be able to make our lives happier and full of meaning. I have really enjoyed learning about real men and to see the values that they hold in their life. The principles that I have gone through are just ones that I have thought of and that I have gleaned from my studying thus far of the Real Men in history. My wish is that we can become Real Men like them.
Thomas Jefferson was one who believed in and loved to learn. He is remembered to have, at one point in his life, been spending often fifteen hours a day reading and studying trying to quench his great thirst for knowledge. He was excited to learn new things and to explore new things. He once said this, “It is impossible for a man who takes a survey of what is already known not to see what an immensity in every branch of science yet remains to be discovered…. Great fields are yet to be explored to which our faculties are equal, and that to an extant of which we cannot fix the limits.” I feel that it is important to use as much effort as we can in educating ourselves so that we can add something to this world in which we live. I have yet to know any good leader that ever lived in this world who was not well educated.
The Second principle is the Principle of Observance. This principle has the meaning of not jumping to conclusions too quickly. You need to observe all sides of the story and consider them until you decide which one is the right one. You cannot pass judgment on something until you have uncovered every nook and cranny. It is very interesting to look at some of the great Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington and how they were men who spoke little, yet their word’s were full of power. They acquired this by observing and using the first principle (which I have already talked about) hand in hand. They took something and observed and studied it out until they gave their opinion of it. When they did this it made their opinion strong and of a sound understanding. Why was it of a sound understanding? Simply because you will find that the right answers will make the most sense and will yield the right fruit when taken into effect.
The Third Principle is the Principle of Ambition. In order to accomplish something and to make it as good as you possibly can, you need to be ambitious. Once you have set your mind to doing something you need to follow through with it. I consider the Founding Fathers and most all notable leaders as being very ambitious. They set goals and strive to follow through with them. You need to tackle the hard things and embrace yourself in them. You need the mindset of thinking and knowing that you can accomplish hard and trying things. I look at the life of Thomas Jefferson and I think how could he accomplish everything that he did without being ambitious? He had a reason for doing everything he did and he plunged into his works and never stopped until it was completed. He wanted to do something with his life, and he did.
The Fourth Principle goes right along with the third. It is the Principle of Work. Work is a natural law. There needs to be work in order to do anything. However it depends on the amount of work that you are willing to do that will depict what you make of yourself. Work is what will make you who you are. Too many people are trying to get out of having to do work in these modern days and it is causing society to crumble and fall. You cannot have happiness without work, it is nigh impossible to have true happiness. We all need something in our life that we are constantly working at and striving to accomplish. The founding Fathers were great examples of this. They worked all day long exhausting themselves. People are better remembered by their works than by their words or any other thing. Does anyone really remember what Leonardo Da Vince said in his life, or do they remember what he did in his life? What about the French leader Napoleon or even our very own George Washington? True that you may remember many great sayings from various leaders, however which speaks the loudest, words or works?
The fifth Principle is the Principle of Selfless Service. When we look at the good men throughout history who benefited humanity, we look at those who gave selfless service. What do we look for in this world? Is it to gain riches? To be absolutely beautiful so everyone will dote on us? Or is it to leave behind some fantastic work that everyone will praise us for with our accomplishments? I would like to share what Thomas Jefferson wrote about service, “If in the course of my life, it has been in any degree useful to the cause of humanity, the fact itself bears its full reward….. Nothing makes me more happy than to render any service in my power, of whatever description.” The founding Fathers devoted their lives to helping others, and I do not believe that it was to get gain or to become popular. They simply wanted to make life easier and better for others. Selfless Service is what makes a man who he really is. It is what will truly make him the happiest.
We at last come to the last principle which is probably the most important, the Principle of Doing Your Duty to God and Freedom. This is the principle which hangs most dear to my heart and to the heart of the founding fathers. This is what will truly transform you into a real man. Benjamin Franklin wrote this about God, “Being mindful that before I address the Deity my soul ought to be calm and serene, free from passion and perturbation, or otherwise elevated with rational joy and pleasure, I ought to use a countenance that expresses a filial respect, with a kind of smiling, that signifies inward joy, and satisfaction, and admiration….. I love him therefore for his goodness, and I adore him for his wisdom.” We need to recognize the hand of the Supreme Being in all things and except it. We cannot do all things without him. We need his help more than we can possibly imagine.
Freedom is an essential principle to the happiness of man, and it is through freedom that we learn and grow. We need to embrace this fact with all that we hold dear. In these days the idea of freedom is diminishing and fading. If we let that principle die, we ourselves will die with it. The Real Men throughout history held freedom so highly that it was higher than their very lives. The Founding Fathers esteemed this freedom so greatly that they fought for it and developed all their efforts into constructing a government in which we could be free. People take too much of that for granted and relinquish that freedom that was fought for at so high a price to others who abuse it and destroy it.
I look at the world today and I see many people making a mockery of the government, where therein lies their freedom. They laugh and make fun of something that men and women gave up their lives to have. It is true that there may be men in political offices that abuse their power, yet who are they who let them abuse it? The very same who make degrading remarks about the Government. What is this leading society into? Children will grow up and learn to despise their government and learn to make a mockery of it. What will happen to freedom then? It is vital to uphold freedom in the highest degree and the government which was founded on that great principal. We as citizens of this free country need to stop making a mockery of it and instead place those morals and values back into it. If we do not, then we will fall as other nations have before us.
We need to become Real Men to lift back again society into its proper place. There is no other way to make life better. We need to Learn, Observe, be Ambitious, Work, give Selfless Service, and do our Duty to God and Freedom. It is through these principles that we will be able to make our lives happier and full of meaning. I have really enjoyed learning about real men and to see the values that they hold in their life. The principles that I have gone through are just ones that I have thought of and that I have gleaned from my studying thus far of the Real Men in history. My wish is that we can become Real Men like them.
Throughout the history of the world we have seen wars and bloodshed in every nation tongue and people that has ever existed. There is one thing that is fought over again and again and is still being fought for. The thing that I speak of is Freedom. The ability to choose, for yourself the things you want to or need to do is a great and compelling desire. No one wants to be forced into making a decision or doing something that they do not want to. There have been many wicked men who have sought most diligently to limit others ability to chose for themselves. Power hungry men who want to make the decisions for others so that they can glut themselves on the labors of others. The take away the agency (the ability to choose) that has been given to all men. Many Men and Women have fought and have given their lives to obtain and maintain that Freedom.
As the famous Patrick Henry once stated on March 23 1775, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” The value of Freedom is clearly shown in Mr. Henrys last words, “give me liberty, or give me death.” Many people have clearly shown those words through their own actions.
In the Book of Mormon Alma 43, The Lamanites sought to destroy the Lberty and Freedom of the Nephites. The Nephites went forth under the command of Captain Moroni to fight them, it says in verse 48: “And it came to pass that when the men of Moroni saw the fierceness and the anger of the Lamanites, they were about to shrink and flee from them. And Moroni, perceiving their intent, sent forth and inspired their hearts with these thoughts—yea, the thoughts of their lands, their liberty, yea, their freedom from bondage.” The Nephites gained courage from the words of their commander and cried unto the Lord for help and in that same hour the Lamanites started to run and flee from before them. The thought of Freedom and Liberty sustained them. They did not want to be subject and in bondage to another people. They wanted that freedom and fought diligently for it.
It was interesting to me at how they called unto the Lord in mighty prayer after hearing the Words spoken by Moroni about Freedom. In Alma 61:15 it says, “The bSpirit of God, which is also the cspirit of freedom which is in them” this war for freedom has been a long war. It goes beyond our mortal memory. In Revelation 12:7 we read that there was a war in heaven. Lucifer wanted to ascend above the throne of God. He wanted to take away our agency by making all of us choose right. In his plan there was no freedom or ability to learn from making our own decisions. His plan was rejected by the Father and a great war commenced in which Lucifer and his followers were thrust out of heaven. Today many men have caught hold of Lucifer’s (who is now called Satan’s) plan. They seek to take away the ability for us to chose for ourselves.
Having freedom can be risky. We have the ability to chose and think for ourselves but with every action there is a consequence. We can choose the action, but not the consequence. But it is through those consequences that we are able to learn and to develop pure knowledge. If we were kept in a box and we were not to do anything in fear of making a mistake we would not learn and improve and perfect ourselves. Freedom gives us that ability to perfect ourselves and to learn and improve ourselves. Freedom is worth fighting for. I like the words in a hymn written by William C. Gregg, “Freedom and reason make us men; Take these away, what are we then?” It is my sincere hope that all of us can gain a deeper appreciation for freedom and all that it is.
As the famous Patrick Henry once stated on March 23 1775, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” The value of Freedom is clearly shown in Mr. Henrys last words, “give me liberty, or give me death.” Many people have clearly shown those words through their own actions.
In the Book of Mormon Alma 43, The Lamanites sought to destroy the Lberty and Freedom of the Nephites. The Nephites went forth under the command of Captain Moroni to fight them, it says in verse 48: “And it came to pass that when the men of Moroni saw the fierceness and the anger of the Lamanites, they were about to shrink and flee from them. And Moroni, perceiving their intent, sent forth and inspired their hearts with these thoughts—yea, the thoughts of their lands, their liberty, yea, their freedom from bondage.” The Nephites gained courage from the words of their commander and cried unto the Lord for help and in that same hour the Lamanites started to run and flee from before them. The thought of Freedom and Liberty sustained them. They did not want to be subject and in bondage to another people. They wanted that freedom and fought diligently for it.
It was interesting to me at how they called unto the Lord in mighty prayer after hearing the Words spoken by Moroni about Freedom. In Alma 61:15 it says, “The bSpirit of God, which is also the cspirit of freedom which is in them” this war for freedom has been a long war. It goes beyond our mortal memory. In Revelation 12:7 we read that there was a war in heaven. Lucifer wanted to ascend above the throne of God. He wanted to take away our agency by making all of us choose right. In his plan there was no freedom or ability to learn from making our own decisions. His plan was rejected by the Father and a great war commenced in which Lucifer and his followers were thrust out of heaven. Today many men have caught hold of Lucifer’s (who is now called Satan’s) plan. They seek to take away the ability for us to chose for ourselves.
Having freedom can be risky. We have the ability to chose and think for ourselves but with every action there is a consequence. We can choose the action, but not the consequence. But it is through those consequences that we are able to learn and to develop pure knowledge. If we were kept in a box and we were not to do anything in fear of making a mistake we would not learn and improve and perfect ourselves. Freedom gives us that ability to perfect ourselves and to learn and improve ourselves. Freedom is worth fighting for. I like the words in a hymn written by William C. Gregg, “Freedom and reason make us men; Take these away, what are we then?” It is my sincere hope that all of us can gain a deeper appreciation for freedom and all that it is.
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